申请人发表学术论文91篇,其中第一/通讯发表SCI论文63篇(TOP期刊40篇),包括Acta Mater.、Scripta Mater.、J. Mater. Sci. Technol.、Research、J Mater Process Tech、Corros. Sci.、Nanoscale、Mater. Des.等国际著名期刊;申请/授权国家发明专利44项
[1]Kexuan Li, Hongze Fang*, Jiangshan Liang, Xianfei Ding, Baohui Zhu, Ruirun Chen*. Forming Ru containing eutectoid structure serves as the dislocation storage unit at the lamellar colony boundary of TiAl alloy [J]. Acta Materialia, 2025, 285, 120587.
[2]Kexuan Li, Hongze Fang*, Lingyan Zhou, Xiaokang Yang, Xianfei Ding, Yongchun Zou, Ruirun Chen*. Induction mechanisms of high-density nano twins during solidification process: reducing stacking fault energy of γ phase by Re and forming highly mismatched B2(Re)/α2 interface [J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2025, 216: 269-284.
[3]Shichen Sun, Hongze Fang*, Ruirun Chen*, Yili Li, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo. Discontinuous yield behavior in titanium alloys caused by activated dislocations during tensile testing at room temperature [J]. Scripta Materialia, 2023, 231, 115461.
[4]Hongze Fang, Shu Wang, Ruirun Chen*, Qin Xu, Yongda Yan, Yanqing Su, Jingjie Guo. The effects of the formation of a multi-scale reinforcing phase on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of a Ti2AlC/TiAl alloy [J]. Nanoscale, 2021, 13: 12565-12576.
[5]Hongze Fang, Ruirun Chen*, Yongda Yan, Qi Wang, Hongzhi Cui, Yanqing Su, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo. Study on dispersion of Ti2AlC particle and formation of columnar crystal with different solidification rates during CCDS TiAl-based composite [J]. Journal of alloys and compounds, 2020, 832:154893.
[6]Hongze Fang, Ruirun Chen*, Yong Yang, Yanqing Su, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo. Effects of tantalum on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of high-Nb TiAl alloys reinforced by Ti2AlC [J]. Research, 2019, 5143179, 1-11.
[7]Hongze Fang, Ruirun Chen*, Yong Yang, Yanqing Su, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Role of graphite on microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of ternary TiAl alloy prepared by arc melting method [J]. Materials and Design, 2018, 156, 300-310.
[8]Ruirun Chen, Hongze Fang*, Dong Chai, Yaohua Yang, Yanqing Su, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. A novel method to directional solidification of TiAlNb alloys by mixing binary TiAl ingot and Nb wire [J]. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2017, 687: 181-192.
[9]Shu Wang, Hongze Fang*, Dezhi Chen, Ruirun Chen*, Lingyan Zhou, Xiaokang Yang, Yanqing Su. A novel method and mechanism for simultaneously refining microstructure and controlling grain orientation in Ti48Al2Cr2Nb2.5C alloy [J]. Applied Materials Today, 2022, 28, 101516.